To land your dream apprenticeship, you should start thinking about your application about a year before you graduate. The application documents are your first impression to the employer and enable you to be invited for an interview. However, a number of questions usually arise when designing and formulating your first application. We want to help you here and give you some tips on how to master your first application professionally.

1. preparation is the be-all and end-all

There's no doubt about it - creating applications is time-consuming and takes a lot of time. This makes it all the more important to be well prepared and ready for the application process. Think about your strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, you will have already gained some experience through an internship or holiday job. Once you have found out which areas you are particularly interested in, the research work can begin. Try to gather as much information as possible about the apprenticeship and the company. The more informed you are, the easier it will be to write your application.

2 How do I formulate the cover letter?

Preparation will help you when formulating your cover letter. The cover letter should be as individualised as possible. Describe your motivation, why you want to learn the apprenticeship and why exactly you are suitable for it. Your research work will help you a lot here, as we are of course particularly interested in why you want to complete your apprenticeship at A2S. We can definitely give you three tips:

  • Always have someone else proofread the cover letter.
  • Emphasise your motivation and strengths precisely and expressively - but your cover letter should not be longer than one DIN A4 page.
  • Make sure you use the right address and the right contact person.

3. curriculum vitae

In addition to your personal details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and age), the CV should include your school career from primary school onwards. If you are still at school, state when and with what qualification you expect to finish school. Of course, you probably can't include much work experience in your CV yet - but you are welcome to list internships or holiday jobs. Don't forget to include information about special knowledge and skills (language and IT skills, driving licence, voluntary work or special achievements).

4. installations

Ideally, you should also have proof of each item listed on your CV and enclose a copy of this with your application. It is important that you enclose the last or even the last two school reports.

5. Individuelle Note

As already mentioned at the beginning, it is important that your application arouses the interest of the training company and stands out from the other applications. You are welcome to choose a customised layout and leave your own mark. You can of course decide for yourself whether to include a photo in your application - it is not a must. However, you can enhance your application with a professionally taken photo. It is important to create a neat and likeable first impression.

6. the first step has been taken

Congratulations - your first step into the future is almost complete. You can send us your application directly online or by post. Whichever method you choose, make sure that your application arrives neat and tidy. If you send it by post, the documents should be logically organised and without dog-ears. When applying digitally, you should always create a PDF from the documents.

"There is only one thing that is more expensive than education in the long term - no education."


Tips for the conversation

Your application documents have already made a good impression. The next step is the interview. You will be invited to this in order to get to know you personally and to clearly define the expectations on both sides.

1. preparation is also the be-all and end-all in a job interview

The research you did before writing your application can also be helpful here. At the interview, it is important that you know as much as possible about the apprenticeship and the company and that you remember why you want to do this apprenticeship.

Get your outfit ready and, above all, make sure that you feel comfortable in it. Of course, you shouldn't turn up to the interview in your jogging bottoms, but it doesn't have to be a suit either. Your clothes and shoes should look clean and tidy.

Plan your journey to the interview with possible delays in mind. Punctuality is a basic requirement - better to be a few minutes early than too late. You should have the contact details of the contact person ready in case of an emergency; if you are late despite good planning, a solution will certainly be found.

2 How does the interview work?

A job interview, and perhaps even the first one in your life, is a very special situation - and it's completely normal to feel nervous. But with good preparation, nothing can go wrong. Don't worry, you don't have to memorise or recite anything. We want to get to know you as authentically as possible and give you a very good insight into our A2S talent workshop.


Now that you know everything there is to know about writing a personalised application and the interview process, we wish you every success and look forward to receiving your application!