Educational CAMPUS FREIHAM, Munich, 2019

Learning and meeting in learning centres

In many large German cities, the number of pupils has been rising for several years, as have the educational requirements. With the construction of the Freiham educational campus, the city of Munich has responded to these developments: It realised its largest school construction project to date, bringing together four schools - primary school, special school, secondary school and grammar school - on a single campus.

A particular challenge of this project is to design a learning environment that equally values the habits and needs of up to 3,000 learners of different ages and school types - and gives them space to develop and feel comfortable.

Lerngebäude des Bildungscampus Freiham von außen

Munich learning centre concept creates protected learning centres

The Munich learning centre concept structures the schools on the Freiham educational campus into smaller clusters, known as learning centres. A learning house is made up of several classes, a team of teachers, an independent organisation - and an ensemble of learning spaces.

Forum of the learning centre as an open learning space

At the heart of every learning centre is the forum, which opens up on all sides to classrooms, multifunctional rooms and team rooms for teachers. Thanks to its inviting furnishings, learners don't just flow through an ordinary school corridor here, but can linger for breaks, group work, individual learning and presentations.

Seating landscapes offer opportunities for socialising and leaning back and relaxing. And workstations are available at high tables, where learners can also study standing up for a healthy change. This turns the passageway area into a cross-classroom learning and open space.

Designing school corridors

You can find out more about how and why the school corridor can also be used for learning in existing buildings in our blog post "Escape route and blessing - designing school corridors as open learning environments".

Classroom with flexible furniture for a variety of learning settings

Each class has its own room within its learning centre for smaller learning settings. The classrooms are set up in such a way that they are a playground for different educational concepts. Here single tables and partition walls for a changeable, flexible room setting that can realise cooperative and individual learning alongside input phases, for example.

Campus centre for cross-grade learning and meeting

Outside the protective walls of the learning house, learners can go in search of new discoveries and cross-grade encounters in the centre of the campus. With its numerous and varied seating areas, the facility is a catalyst for this: the polygonal seating landscape in particular, with its varied and activating design language, is an invitation to exchange ideas.

Since its opening in 2019, the Bildungscampus has created a living space in which a colourful school community can grow steadily - in size, cohesion and joy of learning. At the same time, it also opens up visions of how schools can structure themselves in learning centres, share their living space with other types of schools and set up sustainable learning settings.

Project data

Architects: Schürmann Dettinger Architects

Completion: 2019

Service: Consultancy; room planning; furnishing